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Wątek: Kodowanie sterownikow w e65 - NCS EXPERT !

  1. #61
    Początkujący Użytkownik
    Aug 2010
    F01 730D 2009r
    Drawsko Pom
    Poszperałem w sieci i znalazełem jak sie koduje:

    1. Odpalamy NCS Expert (zakladam, ZE Pakiet INPA Mamy zainstalowany w
    języku Nie po niemiecku).
    2. Wybieramy Plik -> Profil obciążenia

    3. W okienku Wybierz profil i klikamy wybieramy Expertmode OK.

    4. Wybieramy Plik -> Edytuj Profil

    5. W okienku eingaben Passwort POP POP podajemy do profilu: i repxet
    klikamy OK.

    6. W okienku klikamy przycisk Profile Editor Individualisierung (lewy
    dolny rog)

    7. W okienku zaznaczamy pamięci Car Net Based Individualisierung w aktiv
    sekcji Car / Key Memory klikamy OK i

    8. Klikamy przycisk Profil info (prawy dolny rog) w okienku Profile Editor

    9. W okienku informacji o profilu w Polu profil dopisujemy Name ABY Tak
    indywidualizacji NAZWA naszego profilu brzmiala Expertmode z
    indywidualizacji (Tym sposobem bedziemy go latwo odroznic Mogli Na
    Przyszlosc OD expertmode profilu oryginalnego) i klikamy OK

    10. W okienku profil konsystencji klikamy Editior sprawdzić - powinno
    pojawic sie okienko z napisem Informacja sprawdzić konsistence OK

    11. W okienku klikamy OK Profile Editor

    12. Wybieramy Plik -> Zapisz profil W Polu IW Nazwa pliku zmieniamy
    Numer profilu Na Kolejny czyli FZG3.PFL klikamy OK i

    13. Wybieramy: Plik -> Load IW Profil okienku Wybierz profil Mamy Teraz
    Expertmode profil z indywidualizacji ktorý i wybieramy klikamy ok

    14. Bierzemy pod laptopa i Pache idzemy do naszej Buni. Podpinamy
    kabelki, wkladamy do stacyjki i Kluczyk przekrecamy zaplon na (Nie
    odpalamy silnika)

    15. wybieramy VIN / ZCS / FA (klawisz F1)

    16. Wybieramy ZCS / FA f. ECU (Odczytanie danych ZCS / FA z ECU naszej

    17. Wybierz okienku W chasis wybieramy E39 (moj przypadek).

    18. W okienku Wybierz ECU wybieramy i klikamy ok EWS ... po chwili
    wypelnia sie Pola FG GM SA i VN

    19. Wybieramy Net Based Powrót F6

    20. Wybieramy samochodów pamięci (klawisz F5)

    21. Pojawi nam sie okienko nastepujace:

    22. W Tym okienku Tryb okresla pracy CZY programujemy Kluczyk CZY
    samochod (Memory Car / Key Memory 1-4). Moja Bmka Nie ma kluczykow
    programowania Wiec Nie korzystalem z Tego, ta czesc czegos zatem ABY
    pomine Nie namieszać. U Mnie bylo pamięci "Tylko samochodów. Funkcje
    spis funkcji przeprogramować mozemy ktore. żartem Niestety po niemiecku
    na tlumaczenie ponizej zamieszczam język na (wreeve pl z

    Car Key E39 i programowania pamięci za pomocą NCS Expert w pakiecie

    AUSSENTEMP_WARNUNG_GONG: Zewnętrzne Low Gong Warning Temp
    AUT_SITZVERSTELLUNG: Automatyczna regulacja siedziska (wybierz gdy
    odblokowany lub gdy otworzyły się drzwi kierowcy) związane z klawisza
    AUTO_ZV_DISABLE: wyłączyć automatyczne zamek centralny
    BC_KL_R: OÊwietlenie się, gdy zapłon jest wyłączony po jazdy z
    włączonymi światłami
    DWA-QUITTIERUNG: Anti Theft System Potwierdzenie
    EINSCHALTMELDUNG_IMMER: Power-up messgage zawsze
    ERKENNUNG_SITZBELEGUNG_1: seat przydziału Recognition (nie włączysz się
    inaczej poduszka powietrzna system wstaje-set)
    FH_BEIFAHRERTUER_TIPP_AUF: moc okno pasażera okna drzwi Down One Touch
    FH_BEIFAHRERTUER_TIPP_ZU: moc okno pasażera okna drzwi na jednym
    FH_FAHRERTUER_TIPP_AUF: moc okna lub drzwi balkonowych Driver One Touch
    FH_FAHRERTUER_TIPP_ZU: moc okno Driver okna drzwi na jednym dotknięciem
    FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_AUF: drzwi w tylnej szybie Down One Touch
    FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_ZU: drzwi tylne okno na jednym dotknięciem
    Fua raumklappen:? Piętro klapy (IHKA)
    HECKKLAPPE_ENTSICHERN: Tylny otwór bagażnika z pilota
    HEIMLEUCHTEN: Strona główna Shine (Follow me home światła)
    INNENLICHT_AN_MEHRFACH_ZV: Interior Light On Kilka centralny zamek Times
    KEY_MEMORY_IHK: Key Memory Module IHK (A / C temperatura pamięci numer
    KEY_MEMORY_RADIO: Key Memory Radio (Radio kanale / objętości od klawisza)
    KOMFORTOEFFNUNG: Otwarcie Komfort
    KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB: Otwarcie Komfort pilota
    KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG: Zamknięcie Komfort
    KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB: Zamknięcie Komfort pilota

    LAUTSTAERKE_HINTEN: Volume in the Back

    NOTSTROMSIRENE: Siren awaryjny

    QUIT_OPT_ENTSCH optyczne Potwierdzenie zdalnego un-zamek (dwa miga)
    QUIT_OPT_SCHAERF optyczne Potwierdzenie zdalne blokowanie (jeden flash)

    SCHIEBEHEBEDACH_TIPP_AUF: jedno słońce dotykowy otwartym dachem
    SCHIEBEHEBEDACH_TIPP_ZU: One touch blisko słońca dach

    SOFT ON / OFF: Soft dim / undim wnętrza światła

    Sprache: Wybór języka
    TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE: Światła dzienne
    TEMPERATUR_EINHEIT: jednostki temperatury (C / F)
    UMLUFT PAMIĘĆ: Memory klapka obiegu powietrza (jeśli pamięta ponownie
    circ jest po wyłączeniu)
    VERBRAUCH D1: Zużycie jednostek
    VERRIEGELN_AUT_AB_X_KMH: Automatyczny zamek centralny po X KMH
    VERRIEGELN_AUT_MACH_2_MIN: Automatyczny zamek centralny po 2 min
    VERRIEGELUNGSSCHWELLE: Urządzenie zamek-pęcznieje (próg) (prędkość X
    WEG_EINHEIT: jednostka odległości (odległość mil lub km)
    ZEIT_EINHEIT: jednostki czasu (12H lub 24H)
    ZUENDSCHLUESSEL_WARNUNG: kluczyk Uwaga, opcja, która naprawdę anoying
    dźwięki, jeśli zostawisz kluczyk w stacyjce
    ZV_SELEKTIV: zamek centralny selektywnie (selektywne odblokowania)

    Każdy klucz może być również ustawiony w celu umożliwienia selektywnej
    un-zamek i automatyczne po X MPH.

    ENTSICHERN_CENTERLOCK: Wersja zamek centralny
    FUNK_INNENRAUMSCHUTZ: Radio wnętrze monitorowania przestrzeni
    FUNKTIONTUERSCHLOSS: zamek funkcji
    FUSSRAUMKLAPPE_SCHLIES_1: Powierzchnia użytkowa klapa
    HHS_AUTOMATIK: HHS Mechanizmu
    IB IB_BEI_KL.R_AUS w KL.R off
    IB_EIN_SCHLOSS_ENTRIEGELN IB na odblokowanie zamka
    INNENLICHT_AN_MEHRFACH_ZV: Interior lighst na kilka razy
    NEIGUGSGEBER: czujnikiem przechyłu
    STANDRUECKSCHALTUNG: Warunek stałego Resetowanie na
    TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE: światła dzienne
    UMLUFT_MEMORY: powietrze obiegowe klapy pamięci
    WISCHERINTERVALL: Przerwa wycieraczek

    KEY Wspomnienia

    BELUEFTUNGSKLAPPE_OEFF_1: Wentylacja Przepustnica
    Fernbedienung: Pilot zdalnego sterowania
    FUSSRAUMKLAPPE SCHLIES: powietrze w pobliżu klapy podłogowe
    GEBL AUT B ZUEND EIN: dmuchawy automatycznie podczas zapłonu
    MOD AUT GEBLAESEBALKEN: Bar Blower trybie automatycznym
    OEFFNEN KLAPPEN: otwarcie klapy
    KLIMABETR BEI ZUEND EIN: klimatyzacja w zapłon
    HIGH LOW TAKTEN wyświetlanie: Zegary High Low Ogłoszenie

    W sekcji parametr Mamy stan parametru danego czyli aktiv aktiv Nich i.
    Literka S oznacza ustawienie nam seryjne literka I ustawienie

    23. Zanim zaczniemy zmieniac nalezy czyli ustawienia Przeczytaj wybraz
    F1. Przyciski sie wyszarza Na kilkanascie / kilkadziesiat Sekund az
    samochodu zostana sczytane Nasze Aktualne ustawienia. Kiedy Przyciski
    czarne beda znow mozemy zaczac dlubac. I Tak wybieramy funkcje srodkowym
    okienku w nastepnie pozadana zaznaczamy prawym okienku w Net Based i
    wciskamy F2 przejąć. NAZWA funkcji do zaprogramowania wraz z stanem
    porzadanym pojawia sie w okienku Na dole. Jezeli chcemy usunac funkcje
    zmieniac JEJ Stanu) najezdzamy nia Na Dolnym w okienku i klikamy F3
    Usuń. Kiedy zmienimy co juz chcemy wciskamy F4 i po chwili Broadcast
    zobaczymy potwierdzajace okienko parametrow ustawienie. Voila! Odlaczamy
    kompa testujemy i CZY żart Tak chcielismy Jak.

    PS. Jezeli zmieniamy swiatel ustawienia wowczas PRZY programowaniu
    (opcja broadcast) nam zaczna mrugac swiatla i przyciskow podswietlenia w
    srodku. U Tak bylo Mnie. Programowanie sie udalo Wiec Bez paniki.


    razem dokladny opis co sie da i w jakim modelu (do roku 2004). Niestety
    w language ale zawsze cos. Jezeli dla kogos jest to nieczytelne mam to
    samo w pdf dokladnie sformatowane:

    Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52,
    E53, R50, R52 and R53 from start of
    series production
    1 Car Memory
    1.1 Anti-theft system
    1.2 Central locking system
    1.3 Power windows / sliding/tilt sunroof
    1.4 Lighting
    1.5 Windscreen wipers
    1.6 Cruise control
    1.7 Acoustic warnings
    1.8 Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
    1.9 Seat/mirror memory
    1.10 Displays / language
    1.11 Audio / video
    1.12 Park Distance Control
    2 Key Memory
    2.1 Central locking system
    2.2 Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
    The following overview contains all Car & Key Memory functions that can
    currently be programmed for series E38,
    E39 vehicles from 09/98 and series E46, E52 and E53 vehicles from start
    of series production.
    Only Car Memory functions are available for R50/R52/R53 vehicles.
    Functions which do not state a specific model series in the brief
    description are available for all vehicles capable of
    Car & Key Memory.
    Due to varying legal stipulations, there are national differences in
    possible settings. Vehicles with the same
    equipment but of a different national variant may have a different range
    of possible settings. Moreover, the specific
    requirements of vehicle insurance companies in different markets and
    legal stipulations must be taken into account
    when making settings.
    Factory settings also vary from country to country.
    The vehicle is programmed at the factory in accordance with the central
    encoding code (ZCS) / vehicle order (VO).
    1.1 Car Memory - Anti-theft system
    Interior movement detector
    o active
    o not active
    The interior movement detector monitoring function can
    be permanently deactivated. This may be advisable if
    animals frequently remain in the vehicle.
    Note insurance requirements!
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53
    Tilt alarm sensor
    o active
    o not active
    The tilt alarm sensor monitoring function can be
    permanently deactivated. This function may be advisable
    if the vehicle is frequently parked in a duplex garage.
    Note insurance requirements!
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53
    o remote control
    o locks and remote control
    It is only possible to activate/deactivate the anti-theft
    alarm system with the remote control or with the remote
    control and the locks.
    Note insurance requirements in GB, B, NL, F, I -
    deactivation only approved via remote control.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 1 -
    Deactivation, optical
    o active
    o not active
    The deactivation of the anti-theft alarm system is
    confirmed by the hazard warning lights flashing briefly.
    Deactivation, acoustic
    o active
    o not active
    The deactivation of the anti-theft alarm system is
    confirmed by a siren sounding briefly.
    Only permissible on US vehicles.
    Activation, optical
    o active
    o not active
    The activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed
    by the hazard warning lights flashing briefly.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Activation, acoustic
    o active
    o not active
    The activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed
    by a siren sounding briefly.
    Only approved for US vehicles.
    Activation, optical, doors/hatches closed
    o active
    o not active
    Activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed by a
    brief flashing of the hazard warning lights as soon as all
    doors/hatches are closed.
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Activation, acoustic, doors/hatches closed
    o active
    o not active
    Activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed by a
    brief siren signal as soon as all doors/hatches are closed.
    Only permitted on US vehicles.
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Confirmation without anti-theft alarm system
    o active
    o not active
    If "active" is selected, the locking or unlocking of the
    central locking system of a vehicle without anti-theft
    alarm system is verified with an optical or acoustic signal.
    The optical or acoustic signal is dependent on the
    respective national version.
    This setting is effective when the vehicle is locked or
    unlocked either at the lock or with the remote control.
    E38, E39 from 09/99, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
    Please note:
    On E46 vehicles, the fault memory entry "07
    Anti-theft alarm system" is stored in the basic
    1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system
    Interior lighting, remote control
    o active
    o not active
    The interior lighting is switched on if the car is locked and
    the lock button on the key is pressed.
    If the vehicle is locked a second time within about 15
    seconds, the radio interior movement detector and tilt
    alarm sensor are deactivated.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Unlock rear window from the inside
    o active
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 2 -
    o not active
    If the setting "active" is selected, the rear window is
    unlocked via a switch in the (driver's side) footwell. If the
    setting "not active" is selected, the rear lid is unlocked.
    E46 Touring
    Remote control, panic mode
    o active
    o not active
    Prolonged pressing of the rear lid release button on the
    key with the anti-theft alarm system activated will trigger
    the alarm in panic mode.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Open luggage compartment via remote control
    o if unlocked
    o always
    Open the luggage compartment by pressing and holding
    the unlock button.
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Remote control opening mode
    o unlock luggage compartment
    o convenient opening
    o not active
    The rear lid can be unlocked, the windows opened, or no
    function can be set. Operate by remote control with a
    long press of the unlock button on the key.
    R50, R52, R53
    Relock 2 minutes after unlocking if doors are not
    o active
    o not active
    The vehicle will automatically lock again approx. 2
    minutes after a single inadvertent unlocking (when no
    door or hatch was opened afterwards).
    E38 and E39 from 09/99, E46, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Automatic lock after pulling away
    o active
    o not active
    The vehicle is automatically locked after pulling away.
    Doors can be unlocked at any time from the inside. This
    setting is effective when the doors are mechanically
    opened at the lock.
    For setting to be effective for key with remote control,
    please refer to 2.1 Key Memory - Central locking system.
    Automatic unlocking after engine switch-off
    o active
    o not active
    After switching off the engine, the vehicle is automatically
    unlocked R50, R52, R53.
    Central locking button, when vehicle is locked
    o active
    o not active
    When the vehicle is locked, the driver's and front
    passenger-side doors can be unlocked from the inside by
    pressing the central locking button. The doors can only
    be opened from the inside. The vehicle must first be
    unlocked with the key before it can be locked. Here, it
    makes no difference whether unlocking is carried out
    manually or via remote control.
    If fitted, the anti-theft alarm will be triggered on opening.
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Selective central locking system
    o active
    o not active
    The first time the vehicle is unlocked, only the driver's
    door is unlocked. The remaining doors are not unlocked
    until the vehicle is unlocked a second time. This function
    only applies to manual unlocking via the lock.
    For settings available using the key with remote control,
    see 2.1 Key Memory - central locking system.
    E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 - not E52
    Easy Entry
    Selective central locking
    o active
    o not active
    The Easy Entry facility can be set to active or not active.
    This setting is effective when the vehicle is unlocked
    manually via the lock.
    For the setting to be effective using a key with remote
    control, please refer to 2.1 Key Memory - Central locking
    Only E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module up to software
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 3 -
    o Easy Entry
    o selective central locking system
    o not active
    Easy Entry facility or selective central locking system can
    be selected. Similarly, both functions can be deactivated.
    This setting is effective when the vehicle is unlocked
    manually via the lock.
    For setting to be effective for key with remote control,
    please refer to 2.1 Key Memory - Central locking system.
    Only E46 CoupĂŠ and R50/R52/R53
    Please note:
    The selection of the setting "Easy Entry" is only
    possible for the E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module
    software version SW1.5 or higher.
    Easy Entry - steering wheel vertical adjustment
    o active
    o not active
    The Easy Entry facility's automatic movement of the
    steering wheel to the upper stop can be set to active or
    not active.
    Easy Entry - steering wheel longitudinal adjustment
    o active
    o not active
    The Easy Entry facility's automatic movement of the
    steering wheel to the front stop (toward the instrument
    panel) can be set to active or not active
    Close rear lid with remote control function
    o active
    o not active
    The function to automatically close the rear lid with the
    remote control can be set to active or not active
    E39 Touring
    1.3 Car Memory - Power windows / sliding/tilt sunroof
    Convenient closing, remote control
    o active
    o not active
    Windows and sliding/tilting sunroof can be closed by
    pressing the lock button on the key with remote control -
    apply constant pressure to the "Lock" button.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 Convertible, E52, R50,
    R52, R53
    Convenient opening, remote control
    o active
    o not active
    Windows and sliding/tilting sunroof can be opened by
    pressing the unlock button on the key with remote control
    - apply constant pressure to the "Unlock" button.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 Convertible, E52, R50,
    R52, R53
    Convenient opening, remote control, without hinged
    o active
    o not active
    When this setting is active, the hinged windows are not
    opened when convenient opening is effected with the
    remote control. This depends upon the "Remote control
    convenient opening" setting being active.
    E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module from software version
    Convenient opening lock
    o active
    o not active
    The windows can be opened by operation of the door
    lock - hold the key in the opening position.
    Not R50/R52/R53
    Disable for
    o open door
    o close door
    When "Open door" is selected, the power windows are
    deactivated if terminal R is "off" and the front door is
    When "Close door" is selected, the power windows are
    deactivated if terminal R is "off" and if, on closing the
    front doors, at least one door was open.
    E38, E39, E53 - not E46, E52, R50, R52, R53
    Close driver's door window, one-touch function
    o active
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 4 -
    o not active
    The driver's door window can be closed by
    pulling/pressing the button beyond the trip point. Use is
    made of the toll function.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Open driver's door window, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The driver's door window can be opened by pressing the
    button beyond the trip point. Use is made of the toll
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Close passenger door window, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The passenger door window can be closed by
    pulling/pressing the button beyond the trip point. Use is
    made of the one-touch control function.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 Convertible, E52, R50,
    R52, R53
    Open passenger door window, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The passenger door window can be opened by pressing
    the button beyond the trip point. Use is made of the toll
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Close rear windows, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The rear windows can be closed by pulling/pressing the
    button beyond the trip point. Use is made of the onetouch
    control function.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 CoupĂŠ, Convertible, E52,
    R50, R52, R53
    Open rear windows, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The rear windows can be opened by pressing the button
    beyond the trip point.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Close sliding/tilt sunroof, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The sliding/tilt sunroof can be closed by pressing the
    button to the front. Use is made of the one-touch control
    Open sliding/tilt sunroof, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The sliding/tilt sunroof can be opened by pressing the
    button to the back. Use is made of the toll function.
    Raise sliding/tilt sunroof, one-touch function
    o active
    o not active
    The sliding/tilt sunroof can be raised by pressing the
    button upwards. Use is made of the one-touch control
    E38, E46, R50, R52, R53 - not E39, E53
    Open the windows by briefly pressing the central
    o active
    o not active
    The windows can be opened by pressing the central
    switch beyond the trip point.
    E46 Convertible, E52
    1.4 Car Memory - Lighting
    Interior lighting
    ON when unlocking
    o active
    o not active
    The interior lighting is switched on when manual
    unlocking is used.
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Interior lighting
    ON when terminal R is "off", light previously "on"
    o active
    The interior lighting is only switched on when terminal R
    is "off" after driving with lights on.
    E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 5 -
    Interior lighting
    Soft ON/OFF
    o active
    o not active
    Dimmed interior lighting is switched on and off.
    Not R50, R52, R53
    Exterior lighting
    Daytime driving lights
    o active
    o not active
    The daytime driving lights are switched on as soon as the
    ignition is switched on and the light switch is turned to
    "position 2".
    Note country-specific differences!
    Exterior lighting
    Follow-me-home lights
    o active
    o not active
    If terminal R is "off", the driving lights are switched on for
    the period of time selected when the headlight flasher is
    pulled. The following settings are possible: not active,
    40s, 90s, 150s and 240s.
    (E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53).
    For how to activate the function on R50, R53 vehicles,
    please refer to the Owner's Handbook.
    1.5 Car Memory - Windscreen wipers
    Rain sensor
    o active
    o not active
    The rain sensor can be deactivated.
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Switch down when stationary
    o active
    o not active
    The system switches from speed 1 to intermittent
    operation or from speed 2 to speed 1 when the vehicle is
    Rain-light sensor
    o sensitive
    o less sensitive
    The response of the rain-light sensor can be adjusted to
    be sensitive or less sensitive.
    E39, E46, E53, not R50, R52, R53
    1.6 Car Memory - Cruise control
    o active
    o not active
    The cruise control can be activated either via a switch on
    the instrument mount or via the button on the multifunction
    steering wheel.
    E38, E39 with switch on instrument mount
    Active Cruise Control (ACC) desired speed
    o current
    o rounded
    If the setting "current" is selected, the current speed is
    adopted as the desired speed the first time the ACC is
    activated with the set/accelerate button. The display is
    made with the next-higher LED. If the setting "rounded" is
    selected, the speed of the vehicle when the ACC is
    activated is rounded up to the next multiple of 10 km/h or
    5 mph and adopted as the desired speed.
    E38 with ACC
    1.7 Car Memory - Acoustic warnings
    Ignition key
    o active
    o not active
    If the ignition key is still in the ignition lock when the
    driver's door is open, an acoustic signal will sound.
    This function is advisable if children are occasionally left
    in the vehicle who are able to play with the ignition key.
    Fuel tank warning
    o active
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 6 -
    o not active
    If the fuel tank reserve indicator lamp lights up, an
    acoustic signal sounds.
    R50, R52/R53 only
    1.8 Car Memory - Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
    Key selective
    o active
    o not active
    The Key Memory can be activated or deactivated for the
    air-conditioning system. Using the "active" setting,
    temperature and blower settings, and air conditioning
    functions (AUC, air recirculation, flaps, defrost) are stored
    for each key individually.
    E39, E53 - not E38, E46, E52, R50, R52, R53
    Air recirculation flaps memory
    o active
    o not active
    Air recirculation is retained after restarting the engine.
    The function is not dependent on the key used.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
    Cooling output
    o normal
    o hot country
    The air conditioner control can be set to normal or as per
    hot country variant. If the hot country setting is selected,
    more cooling output is available due to appropriate
    blower output and flap control.
    E38, E39, E46 - not E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Automatic heated rear window
    o active
    o not active
    The function to automatically switch the heated rear
    window on at an ambient temperature of less than 3.5
    degrees Celsius can be set to active or not active.
    1.9 Car Memory - Seat/mirror memory
    Seat position
    o when car is unlocked
    o when door is opened
    o not active
    The seat is moved to the stored position when the vehicle
    is unlocked using the key with remote control or after the
    driver's door is opened. A key-specific seat adjustment is
    not possible if "not active" is selected.
    On E38, E39 and E53 vehicles, not only the seat but also
    the mirrors and the steering column (if the latter can be
    electrically adjusted) change their positions.
    On E46 vehicles, the mirrors are adjusted on vehicles
    from production period 09/99 (Model Year 00).
    Please note:
    Seat positioning is interrupted by pressing the
    lock button on the key with remote control.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
    Mirror memory - Automatic parking function
    o active
    o not active
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 7 -
    The position of the passenger-side exterior mirror for the
    automatic parking function can be stored for each key
    If "active" is selected and the mirror adjustment switch
    set to "passenger-side mirror", the passenger-side mirror
    will automatically be moved to the key-specific position
    when reverse gear is engaged.
    If "active" is selected and the mirror adjustment switch
    set to "driver's-side mirror", the automatic parking
    function is deactivated.
    If "not active" is selected and the mirror adjustment
    switch set to "driver's-side mirror", the passenger-side
    mirror is automatically adjusted to the lowest possible
    position when reverse gear is engaged.
    If "not active" is selected and the mirror adjustment
    switch set to "passenger-side mirror", the automatic
    parking function is deactivated.
    E46 from 09/99
    Exterior mirror automatic parking function with LIN
    o active
    o not active
    A LIN bus is installed on the E46 from 03/03. When the
    system is "active" and the mirror-adjustment switch is
    moved to the "passenger-side mirror" position, the mirror
    on the passenger's side is lowered when reverse gear is
    engaged. To enable a key-specific setting to be made,
    the function "Folding mirror down" must also be
    E46 only
    Exterior mirror automatic parking function memory
    with LIN connection
    o active
    o not active
    A LIN bus is installed on the E46 from 03/03. When the
    system is "active", different key-specific angles for folding
    down can be set for the automatic parking function.
    E46 only
    Automatic mirror adjustment
    o active
    o not active
    A LIN bus is installed on the E46 from 03/03. When the
    system is "active", the mirrors are automatically set
    according to the key used when the vehicle is unlocked
    with the radio remote control. This function must be set
    separately from the automatic seat adjustment.
    E46 only
    1.10 Car Memory - Displays / language
    Fuel consumption
    o litres/100 km
    o mpg (UK)
    o mpg (US)
    o km/litre
    After setting the following functions, the clock must be
    reset to the correct time.
    Fuel consumption can be displayed in the given units.
    E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 without on-board
    monitor - not E52
    o km
    o miles
    Distance covered can be indicated in the units given.
    E38, E39, E46, E52, E53 without on-board monitor
    R50, R52, R53
    o 12 h
    o 24 h
    The clock can be set in the given modes.
    E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 without on-board
    monitor - not E52
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 8 -
    o degrees F
    The ambient temperature can be displayed in the given
    E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 without on-board
    monitor - not E52
    Text display
    o German
    o English
    o Italian
    o Spanish
    o Japanese
    o French
    o Gulf states
    The display texts can be displayed in the given
    E38, E39, E53 without on-board monitor - not E46, E52,
    R50, R52, R53
    Basic settings
    Temporary ice warning
    o active
    o not active
    The ice warning can be set to active or not active.
    Active: If the ambient temperature drops below about + 3
    C, the acoustic ice warning sounds and the ambient
    temperature display flashes for a few seconds. The
    display then reverts to the previous display unit.
    Not active: If the ambient temperature drops below about
    + 3C, the acoustic ice warning sounds. The outside
    temperature is then permanently displayed. By pressing
    the steering column switch a different display unit is
    E46 with instrument cluster from software version SW11 -
    R50, R52, R53, not E38, E39, E52, E53
    1.11 Car Memory - Audio / video
    Basic telephone interface - mobile phone type
    o Nokia 3110
    o Siemens S10
    Mobile phone type can be changed in the case of a
    conversion or retrofit.
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Please note:
    The mobile phone type must be set when
    retrofitting the basic telephone interface with
    "Encoding ZCS - Retrofit".
    New generation radio - key selective
    o active
    o not active
    The Key Memory can be activated or deactivated for the
    radio. With the "active" setting, the sound, the last audio
    source selected (radio, cassette, CD) and the last radio
    station tuned are stored for each key individually.
    E39, E46, E53 with New Generation Radio - not E38,
    E52, R50, R52, R53
    o 30 km/h
    o 48 km/h
    o 56 km/h
    Speed threshold for raising volume.
    E46 US only
    1.12 Car Memory - Park Distance Control
    Signal volume, rear
    o level 1 (quiet)
    o Level 2
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 9 -
    o level 5
    o level 6 (loud)
    The volume of the acoustic signal can be adjusted.
    Volume at level 1: quiet
    Volume at level 6: loud
    E38 and E39 from 09/99, E53, R50, R52, R53 - not E46,
    Rear activation confirmation
    o active
    o not active
    An acoustic signal sounds when reverse gear is engaged
    (PDC activation).
    E39, E46, R50, R52, R53 - not E38, E52, E53
    2.1 Key Memory - Central locking system
    Automatic lock after pulling away
    o active
    o not active
    The vehicle is automatically locked when it pulls away. It
    is still possible to open it from the inside. This function is
    effective when the doors are opened using the remote
    For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock,
    please refer to 1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system.
    Radio unlocking
    o rear window
    o rear lid
    Open the rear lid or rear window with remote control by
    pressing the button on the key.
    E46 Touring
    Selective central locking system
    o active
    o not active
    The first time the button on the key is pressed, only the
    driver's door is unlocked. If it is pressed a second time,
    the whole car is opened. This function is only effective
    when the remote control is used.
    For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock,
    please refer to 1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system.
    E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
    Easy Entry
    o active
    o not active
    The Easy Entry facility can be set to active or not active.
    This setting is effective when the vehicle is unlocked
    with the remote control.
    For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock, see
    section 1.2 Key Memory - Central locking system.
    Only E46 CoupĂŠ with general module up to software
    version SW1.4
    Easy Entry / selective central locking
    o Easy Entry
    o selective central locking system
    o not active
    Easy Entry or selective central locking can be selected.
    Similarly, both functions can be deactivated. This setting
    is effective when the vehicle is unlocked with the
    remote control.
    For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock, see
    section 1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system.
    Only E46 CoupĂŠ
    Please note:
    The selection of the setting "Easy Entry" is only
    possible for the E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module
    software version SW1.5 or higher.
    2.2 Key Memory - Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
    Setting blower speed
    In automatic operation, the normal blower output can be
    increased or decreased
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
    Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page
    - 10 -
    Air conditioning auto mode
    o active
    o not active
    When this function is active, air-conditioning automatic
    mode is started when the ignition is switched on.
    E46 only
    Vent flaps
    Ventilation open in warming-up phase
    o yes
    o no
    During the warming-up phase, the ventilation flaps are
    open or closed.
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Vent flaps
    After terminal 15 "ON"
    o yes
    o no
    Manual control of the ventilation flaps using the 3 buttons
    on the air conditioning control panel can be activated
    directly by switching on the ignition.
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Vent flaps
    Correction of specified temperature
    o + 3 degrees
    o + 2 degrees
    o + 1 degree
    o not active
    o - 1 degree
    o - 2 degrees
    o - 3 degrees
    The set temperature in the display can be corrected
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Vent flaps
    Air conditioner ON
    o if ignition on
    o with button only
    The air conditioning system will start operating when the
    ignition is switched on or only by pressing the button on
    the air conditioning control panel.
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    Vent flaps
    Automatic blower
    o active
    o not active
    The automatic blower will start operating when the
    ignition is switched on or only by pressing the button on
    the air conditioning control panel.
    E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
    IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46,
    E52, E53, R50,

    Link do instrukcji graficznej;

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  2. #62
    Początkujący Użytkownik
    Jul 2010
    Bmw e65 745i
    Witam! Zrobiłem wszystko zgodnie z instr. podana wyżej . Lecz problem zaczyna sie po wyborze modelu , wybieram e65 , potem każe podac nr vin wpisuje i wyskakuje bład , pomijam to wchodze w zakładke ZCS/FA f.ECU wybieram LMA , wcisnak back
    pojawia sie to car&key memory wciskam wyswietla sie okienko . Wchodze w poszczegole opcje car memory zaznaczam activ , wciskam ready lub f1 , wyswietla sie bład i pyta czy zamknac czy ignorowac ( NCSEXPN wywyłała ogólny bład ochrony w module NCSEXPER.exe....), klikam ignoruj to po chwili juz nie mam wyboru bo jest tylko zamknij.
    Moze cos robie źle prosze o pomoc. Pozdr

  3. #63
    Początkujący Użytkownik
    Sep 2008
    e65 745
    wodzislaw slaski
    JA mam te wszystkie ustawienia w pakiecie :D

  4. #64
    Początkujący Użytkownik Awatar Pablo745i
    May 2010
    745i E65
    znalazłem też tą aplikacje NCS expert tools w mojej inpie. chętnie poznałbym tajniki tego programowania. A może wiesz jak zaprogramować podnoszenie szyb z kluczyka bo narazie tylko mi sie opuszczaja :-)

  5. #65
    . ADMINISTRATOR Awatar Sebek
    May 2007
    Hmmm, jezeli sie otwieraja to powinny sie takze zamykac .... Tak mi sie wydaje.
    Pozdrawiam, Sebek

    Masz pytanie lub problem odnośnie funkcjonowania forum, współpracy ...
    Proszę o kontakt ze mną .!

  6. #66
    Vip Vip
    Dec 2009
    Nie mam
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Sebek Zobacz posta
    Hmmm, jezeli sie otwieraja to powinny sie takze zamykac .... Tak mi sie wydaje.
    W E38 w module GM można ustawić jak mają się szyby zachowywać. Można właśnie ustawić, żeby domyślnie z pilota dało się otworzyć, ale nie zamkniesz.
    Celem wykształcenia nie jest napełnienie umysłu człowieka faktami; zadaniem jest nauczyć go, jak ma używać umysłu do.. myślenia. A często zdarza się, że człowiek lepiej umie myśleć, nie będąc krępowany wiedzą przeszłości.
    Henry Ford

    Nie pomagam przez tel, chcesz coś, jest pw, mail, gg, w ostateczności sms

  7. #67
    Początkujący Użytkownik Awatar Pablo745i
    May 2010
    745i E65
    Sebek tutaj masz cały temat dostalem odpowiedz ze trzeba zaprograwowac w NCSie. Tylko jak?

  8. #68
    . ADMINISTRATOR Awatar Sebek
    May 2007
    Jestes w stanie podlaczyc komputer z inpa i ncsem pod samochod i jednoczesnie do internetu ?

    Jezeli tak to mozemy sie umowic na ktorys wieczor (raczej pozny) na programowanie.

    Polaczylbym sie zdalnie z twoim kompem i ustawilbym ci to, a moze jeszcze cos wiecej.
    Pozdrawiam, Sebek

    Masz pytanie lub problem odnośnie funkcjonowania forum, współpracy ...
    Proszę o kontakt ze mną .!

  9. #69
    Początkujący Użytkownik Awatar Pablo745i
    May 2010
    745i E65
    Z tym to niema problemu. Jesli tylko da rade to owdziecze sie przy okazji jakims daniels'em. Napisz tylko kiedy masz czas, ale tez jestem za poznym wieczorew ewent. weekend :-)

  10. #70
    Początkujący Użytkownik Awatar Pablo745i
    May 2010
    745i E65
    no i tak się bawiłem że chyba zresetowałem wszystkie ustawienia do podstaw. np. miałem 3 krotne mignięcie migacza po lekkim naciśnięciu a teraz miga tylko raz :-) poza tym musiałem na nowo ustawić język, format daty, format spalania, nie mówiąc już o ustawieniach pamięci foteli bo też się zresetowały. No cóż będę próbował dalej może do czegoś dojdę. A może ktoś mi powie co zrobiłem że wszystko się zresetowało, trwało to chwilę, wszystko zaczęło migać zmieniarka cd wentylatorki aż się wyłączyło :-)

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